
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Good Guy vs. The Good Sex Guy

As I grow into my mid-twenties, I am starting to come to terms with a few realizations about sex. 

One-- The man who you want to have sex with three times a day may not be the same man you can talk to, depend upon, and be comfortable with in doing the daily things in life. This is an unfortunate realization and has taken me some time to comes to terms with. 
The question is do you have to give one up for the other or do you wait it out and try to find a guy who can push your buttons and will still be around the next day. 

Two--The good sex guy isn't necessarily good at having sex. It doesn't mean you are always having orgasms, It just means that you are good at having sex together. Something that you can't control attracts you to him and vice versa. It is almost like there are chemicals in his body and chemicals in yours and they have to meet each other over and over again. This is the epitomy of good chemistry. Even if  you're not in the mood, this is the kind of chemistry that one touch ignites your sexual senses and all of a sudden you are in the mood. Sometimes this chemistry is undeniable; it's so strong that you can't help but give into it. This is the kind of chemistry that screws everything up and it doesn't come around all of the time.

Three-- The good sex guy will satisfy you sexually, but that is it. In many of these chemistry-driven relationships, there is something missing with the guy and that is why the only thing you are consistently doing with him is having sex.

If you are lucky, you will meet a man who is both the good sex guy and the good guy--someone who you can depend on in and out of the bedroom. If you haven't met that person yet, the good guy is attractive, he treats you well, listens to your stories, lets you vent, takes you out to do romantic things, and generally is a good person to you and he is WORTH the wait, so don't settle for good guy or good sex guy, just wait it out and you'll find the one that fulfills both roles. 


  1. What about the guy who you love, who makes you laugh, who you can talk to endlessly? The guy who is your BEST FRIEND. The one you look at and think, 'God, he'd be an AMAZING dad.' The one who never lets you down? ...
    Except the sex isn't that great...
    What about that guy?

  2. That is a great question. Before I started dating my boyfriend, I dated another guy who I thought all of those wonderful things about, but we just didn't connect sexually. That guy was the inspiration for this blog article. As soon as I started dating my boyfriend, who I have amazing chemistry with, it all made sense to me. I really believe you can have it all and should wait for it. Sex is a huge deal despite what other people may say, and if you're not satisfied, eventually you will have the urge to stray. You've just inspired me to write another article regarding this question. I will try to post soon. It all works out in the end.

  3. It's difficult I must admit, waiting for a guy that will fulfill both roles, I just wonder why it's so hard to find a guy whom one is compatible with. Hopefully 2016 will open doors. But as for now I'll roll with the "good in bed guy" it's tough waiting it out. Great article by the way 😬
